The Sweetest Pitbull Mix
Ruby came to us after being spotted on the street by several people. We were able to go to her reported location and she walked right up to us. She was evidently a dog used for breeding unfortunately, yet maintained her sweet and trusting nature. After fixing her up, we found the perfect home for her with our friend Julie. The match is perfect and we couldn't be happier for our Roobs.
The Tall and Adventurous Corgi Mix
Jolene was our FIRST official rescue! We were told Jolene was hanging out at a local Sonic, and were lucky enough to befriend her upon arriving. Jolene hung out with us for several months while we found the perfect home for her. Jolene was adventurous, outdoorsy, playful and acted like one of our Chihuahuas. We finally found a great home for her with our friend, who lived just footsteps from the river and now takes her on many regular river trips. Match made in heaven!